
Friday, March 12, 2010

Last day

Last day at my job
It came a lot quicker than I expected

I've learned a lot through this job (maybe I'll share that later)
For one thing, I've learned a whole new meaning to patience
(God must have placed me at this job to build up my patience for India... God knows all!)
I've learned that not every Korean grandma/grandpa is the sweetest person in the world (yes, you may call me a jerk but it is what it is)
I've learned that it is tough to work and do my job or any job in general with true joy
And many other things.

What's next?


johncadengo said...

Jammie. :). You've learned many things! And you're right. You're not done yet!

ChosenCho said...

i love how this is just true
true true true - not all korean grandmas are sweet =P and work sure does teach us patience