I shall make up for it with a super long post.. BRACE YOURSELVES!!!
So wow it has been a really long time. In the meantime, there's been a lot going on..
Let's see..
1. We had a missions team from GLMC come and spend time serving at St. Paul School and AECS. All I gotta say is you GLMC folks are quite interesting and unique.. in very special ways, hahah. But praise God that you got to come and take part in the ministry here! I will post a picture of these awesome brothers and sisters later!
2. I've been able to lead two very awesome 9th standard (grade) boys named Shadrak and Kingston. I meet with them twice a week and just spend time going through the Word and discipling them. I also have been meeting with 12 students from 9th Standard individually about twice a week. It lets me get to know them on a personal level and help them in whatever way I can. I also have been able to take part in helping disciple 10 students from the 8th Standard. It's kinda hectic keeping up with when to meet up with them and making time but God always provides and it has been a wonderful blessing to read the Word with them and grow together with them. The hope is that as they are discipled, soon they will be able to disciple the younger students. :)
3. I've been continually teaching Scripture at St. Paul School, teaching them some dope concepts like justification and sanctification and all that good stuff! Don't know if every student understood every part of every lesson but my hope is that seeds were planted and God's gonna water them! I have also been teaching English at AECS (the seminary here). I gave a midterm.. boy I feel like an official professor! So, I was debating whether to make it easy for them or make it super duper hard. I chose to make it relatively easy but some of those suckas still didn't do well! It's ok.. my hope is that they'll do better on their finals! :) It does help me realize more that English isn't super easy for everyone to grasp... so don't take it for granted! Being taught in America is such a privilege we have... and we should be all the more thankful for it.
4. At the same time... I've been translating the missionary's articles here! He writes in like super old-fashioned Korean.. so it's quite a challenge. As some of you may well know, my Korean on a scale of 1-10 is like a 2. Seriously, my Korean is turrrible. But it has been a huge blessing to try and translate his articles because it helps me understand his heart for India a lot better and also to understand more of the ministry here. I would send you some of the articles I've translated... but I donno if they'd make sense, Hahaha. But yeah if you want a read, holler at me and I will send one over to read :)
5. I moved rooms! I got upgraded to like baller suite.. haha okay not really but it is much more spacious. And my bed is huge! It's meant to be for like 3 people but I get it.. to myself.. ha ha ha!!! I'll show you a picture later. I cleaned out my old room today also.. so byebye to that room.
6. I turned 23! :) It wasn't a particularily crazy day but it was a nice day. My first birthday outside of home.. a good one I'd say :) Thanks for all the birthday wishes on FB!
Mmm okay,
A few prayer requests I'd ask for in my last weeks here..
1) The ministry here, specifically AECS (the seminary) and St. Paul School. A lot of times, it might get mundane for all the seminary students and St. Paul School teachers but please pray that they would take advantage of every opportunity they are given.. whether it's to be equipped and learn as a student, or to be teaching and shaping the future men and women of India. Please pray that it would not get dull but they would see what a blessing and privilege they have to serve God!
2) The missionaries here, please pray that they would live depending and relying on God's strength alone and not theirs. Also pray for patience and understanding on their part.. the ministry can be frustrating sometimes, I imagine, even though they don't show it.. so yeah definitely lift them up in your prayers, ESPECIALLY if you have been here through KCM or church or whatever. :)
3) My health - both physically and spiritually.. lately I've been feeling a little sluggish physically. I guess part of it is my sleeping habit has been thrown off lately but yeah if you could pray that I would have enough strength and energy to serve faithfully! Also, if you could pray that I would be spiritually supercharged everyday to do the ministry's work! ha ha! supercharged!
Alright enough chit chat... now time to get to the good stuff! Pikchaaa time!!!
(WARNING: There are going to be A LOT of pictures... enjoy!!! Share a comment or two if ya feel!)
The St. Paul School kids put on a whole performance! Pretty awesome stuff.
Here we got our missionaries saluting!
(If you know what song this is, props to you!)
Hahaha these pictures make me laugh.. sorry if you're not entertained.
Pray for them!
(I've been to the airport so many times dropping off/picking up people...
I just want to go in haha)
These kids are so cute. They came from Korea for 2 months... knowing little to no English and yet they made the most of their time here. No complaining at all. Love these kids!
This is my attempt at pretending I met an Indian celebrity.. ha ha ha!!
We call him Timothy aka Timothy Brother aka Timoshee.
Right now, it is just him and me in the office.. pray for us!!! :)
Hope you enjoyed this post! :)
I only have about 3 weeks left here... yikes!!!
I will try and update once again before I leave. :)
Please continue to pray for the ministry here, the missionaries, myself and for the nation of India :) Thank you! God bless!
In His Grace,
Jimmy Neutron :)
1 comment:
dang blessed to read all that and see all the pictures. truly those you disciple will disciple others. it's great! you have like... 12 disciples!! like Jesus... hahahaha. but you're not jesus.
missionary john is still gangster as ever!
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