
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Class is in session!

St. Paul School has begun!
Which means... I get to start teaching! :)
Today was my first day teaching, it was awesome! The students were finding out their new classrooms so they were shuffling in and out during my lesson but nonetheless, it was very good to teach these students about Jesus Christ and the Word of God! I'll be teaching 6 different classes in 8th and 10th grade, so I'll be seeing a new class everyday. It should be exciting and I will definitely share of hopefully many stories and testimonies!

St. Paul School, #1 in India!
^ Those of you who have been here know what that's all about... hahaha :)

(These next thoughts are very random... read with caution.. haha!)

Two days ago, we went on an adventure into the city market, which is basically where they have wholesale for anything you could possibly want. It's like one store next to the other.. and it stretches on for a very very long time. There aren't really crosswalks at the market (actually none in India), so crossing the main street was much like playing Frogger.. I think if I was one of the frogs in the game, I wouldn't last too long, haha. It's pretty chaotic and challenging to walk across a street.. appreciate the sidewalks we have in the U.S., haha! Basically, we went there to research prices for various things that they need here at the schools... a very fun and enjoyable experience in the deep heart of the city.

Lately, I've been listening to a lot of instrumentals and hymns. Music is awesome! Hymns especially.. the words are so powerful, I could never get sick of those songs. The words are so rich with meaning and it makes me wanna praise God that much more. Some of my faves include Fairest Lord Jesus, The Love of God, It is well, In Christ Alone... yeah among others. Instrumentals... there's no words so you just get to really soak in all the instruments and sounds... if you get the chance, check out Craig Armstrong - PM's Love Theme (it'll probably be familiar from a popular movie), Michael Giacchino - Let Us Drink Milk, Explosions in the Sky - First Breath After Coma. Hope you like em!

One thing I have been learning (among many things) is to take advantage of every opportunity. It is something they really stress here.. to make the most of every opportunity. Paul talks about it in both Eph. 5:15-16 and Col. 4:5 ... not to let times go to waste but really maximize every chance and opportunity you get, every day you are given, every person you interact with! I know it strikes me at the core since my time here is very limited (it's almost going to be 2 months!) but definitely I want to take this to heart with my opportunity to serve and teach the students here... but also that you would be mutually challenged and encouraged to make the most of every opportunity you're given.. no matter what it may be!

I've also come to appreciate how many different ministries that are ongoing all at the same time here.. it's pretty amazing. For instance, on Saturdays, they minister to lepers who come to hear a message from the Word of God and are given a small donation as the government allows. On Sundays, they meet as a Korean church to minister not only to the Korean adults working here in Bangalore but also the children and the young adults. Many of the young adults who come here to work or intern have never gone to church before so this is a way for many of them to come to know Christ! Even in India, God uses the ministry here to reach out to those Koreans! Then there is St. Paul School, which is an established school recognized by the govt. (Nursery - 10th grade), built upon Christian and Biblical principles... so that we may reach out and share the Gospel to the future men and women of India to be godly Christians... AECS (Asia Evangelical College & Seminary), which trains men and women to be pastors and full-time servants of God.. and these probably aren't all of them. These are the only ones I'm aware of so I'm sure there's a few more but it's amazing! God is working in many powerful ways, so please if you could continue to pray for all the work being done here and all of the servants!

Alright I think I've talked long enough... picture time!! ... enjoy! :)

So about 3 weeks back, we had a picnic day with some competition involved.
This was the "young" team but young doesn't necessarily translate to victory.
The "old" team took us down pretty bad (probably cause I sucked, HAHA)

The "old" team... 4 of the missionaries God has placed here in India!
From left to right: Caleb, Moses, James, Johan

Korean adults are so passionate about table tennis... beats me why, haha!

The entire group! :)

We sent requests to various ministries asking for donations to the seminary here...
Our first package of resources from Sovereign Grace Ministries! Yes!!
Hopefully the first of many to come!

The banner Edward made from scratch for St. Paul High School!
Impressive, indeed... the picture doesn't do it justice! :(

Ministering to the lepers with the Word of God!

Pastor Prabir, one of the faculty members at AECS, preaching about grace!

Yeah... not what I originally thought it was from far away...hahaha

Also, lanes dont really exist in India either...
It's more like fill up every possible space and wait for green!
No such thing as lane discipline.. even if they paint lanes, haha.
I shouldn't learn from them... or else I will be an endangerment back home!

First day of school... it's like an endless amount of students!
They just keep coming.. and coming, hahaha!

Teacher Babu, one of the 10th standard teachers...
We got to share a meal with him a couple weeks ago, a really awesome brother in Christ!
Remember him in your prayers as you pray for St. Paul School!

And they just keep on coming... hahaha

Students starting off their day singing praises to God! :)

Please pray for...
1) St. Paul School - all the teachers and the students, esp. the ones I am evangelizing to and sharing the Gospel with, that they would really understand and come to truly know God!
2) All the workers and missionaries that are working daily for God's kingdom and also for all the ministries I mentioned above!
3) God would continue to use me as a light and witness to all I come in contact with!

Thanks!! :)
Hope you enjoyed this post!


:) said...

ahhh i love the last picture! and this update with all the encouraging reports :)

andddd i love explosions in the sky. if you like them, check out the album leaf and yndi halda. i'll send you some if you want!

Josh Lim said...


wow wow wow


keep up the faithful work!